Healthy Smiles Start Here
First Visit
Restorative Care
Nitrous Oxide
Behaviour Guidance
To help children overcome their fear of dental procedures, we use a number of behaviour guidance techniques, including Tell-Show-Do and the modeling of the desired behaviour by a sibling or a peer.
Special Needs
We provide the specialized care and experience need by children with medical problems, developmental delays, autism, or craniofacial deformities to maintain oral health. We’ll teach parents and/or caregivers how to prepare and de-sensitize a child to the dental environment over a period of time. For those that require it, we offer general anesthesia at either BC Children’s Hospital or at a private anesthesia facility.
Preventative Care
Mild to Moderate Conscious Oral Sedation
For anxious or restless dental patients, we can administer an oral sedative to reduce anxiety and help them cope with extensive dental treatments. With oral sedation, your child remains conscious during the treatment but may recall very little or nothing of the procedure.
General Anesthesia
For complex or extensive dental procedures, General anesthesia is recommended. The patient will be unconscious, unaware of pain and relaxed.
Treatment – Please click here to prepare your child for general anesthesia.
Interceptive Orthodontics
If an early orthodontic problem is detected, we can correct minor orthodontic issues in a growing child or, if required, provide a referral to an orthodontist.
Preschool Visits
To help teach children how to take care of their teeth, we will set up a visit for the tooth fairy to come to your location. It will be an educational visit, but more importantly, it will be fun!